Announcements (news)

Dividend Payment Form

Central Securities Depository AD Skopje, according to Article 32 Paragraph 2 of the Law on securities, can carry out calculation and payment of dividend and/or interest for all issuers of securities as an additional service, for which an Agreement is concluded between the Depository and the Issuer. The shareholders of the Issuer, that pays the dividend through the Depository, shall submit to the Depository the details on their bank account on which the cash dividend will be paid. The Depository will perform the update on the bank accounts’ data based on Form filled-in by the shareholder and which will be delivered directly in the Depository’s Premises or by mail on the following address: Blvd. “Kuzman Josifovski Pitu” no.1  postal box 274, 1000 Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia.

Нова тарифа

Почитувани корисници на услугите на ЦДХВ АД Скопје,

Ве известуваме дека започнувајќи од 28.04.2022 година ќе се применува новата Тарифа.

Актот е достапен на следниот линк


The Government of Republic of North Macedonia lifts the ban on payment of the foreign currency deposits to the citizens of Serbia and Kosovo which had deposited their savings in banks whose headquarters had been on the territory of Republic of North Macedonia as well as bank branches on the territory of Republic of North Macedonia whose headquarters had been on the territory of the former Yugoslav republics, introduced on the basis of reciprocity and obligates the Ministry of finance to secure funds for the payment of the foreign currency deposits to the citizens of Serbia and Kosovo from the Budget of Republic of North Macedonia for 2022.    Read more…